::15 months::
my little ryder isn't so little anymore.
he is a toddler, just toddling around all day long.
he doesn't crawl anymore, he does fall down a lot but he always hops right back up.
he has a whole mouth full of teeth.
12 to be exact.
molar #2 came in on 6.18.10
molars #3 and #4 came in over the 4th of july weekend.
and i was so busy watching over the molars that i didn't even notice that the right one next to the bottom middle came in.
tooth #12 came in 7.11.10.
he finally said his first word 6.29.10
i'm not surprised.
he does say mom/dad too.
he is starting to scream.
the kind of scream that makes your ears not work for a few seconds.
i don't know if the speakers in our tv aren't working as good as they used to, or if ryder has made me hard of hearing.
he isn't mad when he screams, just telling us what he needs.
he is understanding a lot more too.
open your toy box.
turn off the light.
go get your shoes.
he LOVES turning off lights and closing or opening the garage.
he loves pushing buttons like "play" on the dvd player.
he knows when his show is over and when the menu comes back on he yells for me
i say "do you want me to push play?"
and he laughs
that means yes
he loves putting lids on things like water bottles etc.
he loves to throw food off his tray because i look at him and say NO
and then he laughs and does it again.
i now just ignore him and that seems to be working better.
he really is a tease.
he loves ryan so much and copies everything he does.
when tyler gave him his name and blessing he blessed him that he would follow ryan's example.
well it looks like he listened.
and sometimes they just lay on each other...it melts my heart.
i love my two boys!
we go to the doctor tomorrow for stats and shots.
the well check visit too.