Grandma O came to visit us last Wednesday through Saturday. We loved having her here! I am so mad at myself that I didn't take one picture of her and the boys. She does spoil us when she is here though. She got the boys matching pajamas. They are my favorite pj's of all time! My boys couldn't look any different! Of course I think they are so cute though. (What mother doesn't think her own kids are cute?) Ryan was sad to see Grandma go home... he was thrilled to pick her up and take her to the airport though!! I have the best mother-in-law ever! She is wonderful and I am thankful to have her as one as my best friends!
BEAUTIFUL BOYS!! How can I not comment??
You are so sweet to say all those nice things about me! I am so glad that I had an "excuse" to come for a visit! It was hard to say goodbye! You are an awesome mom and I am very happy to have you as a daughter in law!
Grandma O... thanks for being so good to Krissy! Having a great mother in law is such a huge blessing! Thanks for all you do! The boys jammies are darling!
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