Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mad Ryan

Sometimes Ryan isn't very happy with his mom.
Sorry bud!


Jessica Wille said...

I get those faces at times along with the comment...'mommy, you are not a good mommy!' I'm always laughing inside. But they eventually love me back real fast.

Madsen Updates said...

gotta love that face!! Your boys are adorable...

I hope you're right with your feeling of a good/easy baby! That's what we're praying for. They will be about 22 months apart!
I remember you as my panthera "mom" and spying on T.O. haha...good times!
Oh, and by the way...did you know my mom started Linda's Lake Powell Condos (from a few posts ago)?

Anonymous said...

I love how his mad face has a little hint of a smile in there. soooo cute!