Ryder wins little brother of the year!
I was in the other room and Ryan came and told me I had to see Ryder!
Ryan put a bucket on his head and Ryder didn't even make a peep!

I have the cutest Halloween decorations and every single one has been a gift...
Thanks to Tyler's mom and aunts!!
Tyler answered me to Sadies our Senior year with the little frankenstein guy in the top left picture (you can barley see it in the corner).
Weird that I kept it... and now we are married with two kids.
AHHH!! I CAN'T WAIT TO COME SEE YOU ALL!! Ryder is the best little brother in the world! I was thinking to myself...I wonder what he was thinking to himself under the bucket?? ha.
If I had Halloween decorations like this, I think I would actually OWN Halloween decorations!! :)
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