I took the boys to the park this week. We are lucky to have a park about 4 houses down from us. The weather has finally cooled down and isn't 100+ degrees everyday. We had a great time at the park and we are excited to go more often!!

Watching airplanes!!

Literally running around the park!

I was hoping there would be some kids for Ryan to play with.
Only older kids were there playing kick ball.
Ryan kept watching and watching, he finally asked if he could go play with them.
I hesitated to let him go... but decided that he could.
The older boys played with him for about 40 minuets and they were so good to him!
Later that night he prayed for his "new friends at the park"... So Cute!
Cute Ryder being a champ in the stoller... I am sure that he was glad to be outside too.
Even if it was windy and he had to wear a hat to cover his ears.
oh man...its cooling down too much here. you're going to love arizona in the winter :)
His little prayer is so precious! Sweet boy! I'm so glad you're able to go outside and do the park and ZOO!! :) Can't wait to come play! 11 days!!
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