we were so lucky to have dad come to the zoo with us.
dad and ryan went on a camel ride.
i was happy because that means i never have to.
ryan was scared out of his mind.
he wanted the ride to end the whole time.
he kept yelling "i'm done" over and over
as soon as we were walking away he acted like it was the coolest thing he had ever done.
such a man.
(scared while it's happening and then talks it up to all his buddies
like it's the coolest thing in the whole world)
ha ha ha ha
tyler was thrilled that the zoo has a big horn sheep exhibit.
(big horn sheep are tylers favorite animal)
we went to the zoo close to closing time.
we pretty much had the whole place to ourselves.
the weather was perfect.
we had a great time.
ha! Ry's face is priceless, bein so scared, and I know that strut you're talking about. Good thing Ty FINALLY got a break to go with you guys.
yay for the zoo! I'm so glad you bought the pass! Way to go Ty for riding on the camel! Oh and tell Ty that we saw a big horn sheep standing right next to the road in the gorge a few weeks ago. Chris thought it was the coolest thing ever. It probably got hit by a car though! Ryder is such a good sport! Love the sticker pics!
I absolutely LOVE the stickers all over the sleeping babe! That make me laugh out loud ... so perfect.
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