last saturday i became a soccer mom!
i feel like i should go trade in the jeep for a mini van.
ryan started ittybitty sports.
two weeks of soccer, then basketball, and then t-ball.
he was scared at first, he hung onto tyler's leg,
but he warmed up and did great.
he still can't kick the ball with the inside part of his foot, but we'll work on it.
he cheers for himself every time he scores a goal.
it was very entertaining to watch.
we were proud parents!

that's awesome!
Cassidy and Mom are so proud of Ryan!!! Mark my words, he'll play varsity in at least three sports... more likely four, and start. I've seen it, I'm not just pull'n a grandma here... it's just that this kids got skills!
You and mom are a lot alike being both soccer moms. I tried to play bball at an 8 footer but I didn`t score AT ALL! It was sad! 8 foot is HARD for me! I miss you and ryan and ryder... I can`t wait until spring break! Aunt Tass aka Cassidy Kaye Hutchinson
Cass is funny...little genius that she is.
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