Monday, February 22, 2010

l o v e february 14, 2010

we had a great valentines day.
with ryder being sick we didn't make it our of house.
it was nice to spend a day inside with our dad home.
{i know i need my hair done. it's even worse this week, and i don't get it done until friday }

alli came and visited too
ryan was not cooperating, he didn't want his picture taken at all.
both boys needed new shoes.
luckily cupid brought some!
look at those cute baby legs!


Heather Hutchinson said...

FAT LEGS RYDER! I love that pic with him crossing them! haha. ps...I'm SO SORRY I'm not there to help you with your hair. Check out what I posted on your facebook and maybe you do something of the sort on Friday??

Miss J said...

your boys are gettin sooo big and they are so dang cute!! i love there little polos :)