Wednesday, February 24, 2010

more sick

well it happened.
i got sick.
monday night i came down with the 
same thing that the boys have had.
pretty much the worst sore throat/cold ever.
i started to lose my voice tonight.
tyler told me i sounded like a wonder pet.
i hate the wonder pets.
oh well.
good thing he has been taking such good care of me!


Jake and Jarica said...

what's gonna work....TEAMWORK!! I'm embarrassed to know the song.
It sucks to be sick, and even more when you still have to be the mom...I'm glad they are taking good care of you! Hope you get better soon.

Heather Hutch said...

I love that Jar!! ha...sister, I am SO SORRY! Wish i could be there to help out :(

Whitney and Chris said...

Oh NOOO!!! I am SO sorry! It's the plague!

JeNee said...

I wish I could come over NOW... stay for a week, make all the meals, play with the boys, do all the laundry, dishes and house cleaning... and plant flowers all over the yard! So sorry you're sick!!! Vitamin C, lots to drink and a nap. Love you girl!

The Owens Family said...

I should have come on Tuesday to help you out! I am sorry that it has been such a long month of sickness! Hopefully you are all on the mend! Hang in there!