Wednesday, August 11, 2010


today ryan went to school.
ryder took a nap the whole time...
i had to keep myself busy while he was gone 
or i would start to cry thinking about him not being home.

he loves his backpack.
it was the first thing he showed his teacher when he got to school.
walking to my car, holding his stuff
he said his shoes "were hot"
and they probably really were, it was hot today.
tomorrow i'll send him in flip flops.
the first thing he said to me was 
"mom i loved it, i had SO much fun!"

i also made him a bus cake.
(even though he really won't be riding a bus for a couple more years)
my mom always made them for us when school started.
i thought i'd keep the tradition alive!
-i know my cake is kind of lame, better luck next year-
and we all know how much ry loves to blow out candles!


Heather Hutch said...

Is it weird that I completely teared up at this post?!! He's so big!! Also, I can't believe that you remembered the bus cake! SO SWEET! I can't wait to see you all in TWO days! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you!

The Whipples said...

Wow I can't believe he is old enough. Ryder is getting so big! Are you guys going to Chance's wedding in Sept? If so we'll see ya there. We need to get together again and let the kiddos play. Cute cake!

Scott+Tiffany said...

aw how cute, love the bus cake! What a great tradition.

Pam from Over the Big Moon said...

How cute is he! You can just tell how proud he is in those pics! Congrats Ry!

Madsen Updates said...

School??? Holy cow...that's crazy! He looks SO cute!! I LOVE LOVE the bus cake tradition...and I think your cake turned out so cute...but my cakes always sucks, so everything always looks great! I want to start that tradition, that makes it so much fun! Cute idea!