Tuesday, September 28, 2010

labor day

{sept 4-6}
we stayed home over labor day.
we thought about taking the boys camping but that didn't work out.
and since we have had trouble doing activities with the boys that they didn't end up liking...
we didn't do anything big.
we did go swimming a couple of times.
and we fixed the tent.
(it was missing some parts)
i also made cupcakes.
ryan "helped" me by eating the tops off of them
and piling them up on the table.
ryan also thinks that the attachments to the vacuum are the nose of an elephant.
so much fun.
it was a nice relaxing weekend!


Lindsey Bunjes said...

That last picture makes me laugh because I have so many just like it with Evelynn!

Heather Hutchinson said...

SO CUTE! I just love when you blog and those boys are to die for! :) KISS THEM FOR ME!