This is Lizzy. She is the Owens' dog. Ryan has been interested in how she uses the bathroom and always wants to see her go pee outside in the grass. He usually tells her good job and then tells her to come in for a treat.

Now Ryan tells us that he has to go potty and he goes out in the grass and squats down. He says he is going pee... who knows if he really is or not! But it's very funny to watch.

If I could only get him to be this excited about going in the toilet.
haha...well then good luck getting him into a big boy bed, off the bottle, off the bink, and potty trained before this next little guy comes! You must be super mom! He's getting too old! It's a good thing you've got another one on the way! LOVE YOU!
ps...I just took a half an hour out of my studying time to look at ALL your previous posts- HA and I have to tell you that if you EVER want to go brunette again...ASK SOMEONE ELSE! :) You're gorgeous blonde and that is how you shall stay!! I LOVE YOU and think you are gorgeous!!
That is so funny! What a little character he is.
I love these funny!I agree with Heather that he is getting too old! When you get a minute will you e-mail some of the pictures or I'll come get the cd...
That is pretty funny!! At least he is learning that he has to go to the bathroom at some point..!! I cant believe your little baby is getting so close, how exciting!!!
that's super funny!
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