Congrats to Chris and Whit!! Little Drake is so cute.
We are so happy for you guys!!

Mom and Ryan January 24, 2009
I don't know why it seems so hard for me to post new things on my blog. Hopefully I will be able to make some better habits especially before the baby comes.
I already have the nursery done... It wasn't too hard because I used all the same stuff that I had with Ryan. I'll have to post pictures later. I have also been working on a baseball room for Ryan. He is sleeping in a big boy bed now... (he is so excited about it too, if anyone comes over he wants to show off his bed) I thought it would be a lot harder but he stays in bed pretty good! YAY! And he is finally off the bottle, he has been off for a few weeks now. Now the challenge is to get rid of the bink... any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I already have the nursery done... It wasn't too hard because I used all the same stuff that I had with Ryan. I'll have to post pictures later. I have also been working on a baseball room for Ryan. He is sleeping in a big boy bed now... (he is so excited about it too, if anyone comes over he wants to show off his bed) I thought it would be a lot harder but he stays in bed pretty good! YAY! And he is finally off the bottle, he has been off for a few weeks now. Now the challenge is to get rid of the bink... any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
haha, you must have posted this right as i was leaving you a comment on your other post. ryan's eyes are to die for! so fun for you and whitney's baby to be so close!
I need some tips on how you got Ryan to sleep in his big boy bed. Ben will not stay in his.
AHHH!!! A NEW POST!!! Sister I am so excited! I can't wait to visit and see Ry's room and the nursery (which means that maybe I will have to come next weekend) ha. Well post more pics and events of my cute sisters life! I LOVE YOU lots and can I tell you that you are gorgeous!!LOVE YOU SISTER! Kiss Ry for me!
Thanks for the update, Roomie!
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