Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

where the wild things are
max and carol
i am still trying to get good pictures of my boys in their costumes
is it weird if i keep trying even though halloween has come and gone?


Heather Hutchinson said...

weird?? NO! ha. When you have costumes as cute as theirs then you have to get a million pics of them! Sure miss you guys! Give those nephews of mine a hug and kiss for me! PS...I missed your call this morning because I got my fat trash to cycling this morning (we're getting closer to cabo...just sayin) LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! They are so so cute. I LOVE their costumes. That is what I would have dressed our kids up as (that is, if we had kids--ha!). Good job, hot mamma!