Thursday, November 5, 2009

workin out

(this is not me!)

my new pants!
it shouldn't surprise anyone to find out that I haven't worked out since high school. even though i have needed to! every piece of workout attire i have is from pantheras and don't worry i still wear them, even though they don't quite fit the same ha ha ha ha!

and now that i just "joined" a gym i was in serious need of some new work out clothes.
wish me luck!


Whitney and Chris said...

love the pants! I too am in serious need of new work out clothes. I actually just wore my "dance pants" to the gym the other night and my friend that I was with told me that they were falling off. Not because I am skinny, but because I wore them every night when I was pregnant and they are so old and stretched out. We always said that we would wear the dance pants when we were pregnant. I guess now that it's been done I should chuck them! Eight+ years is a pretty long life for pants!!

jaesi said...

rock that striped Panthera gear like you rocked in 99 :)

What is a gym again?

JeNee said...

Keeping that cholesterol in check... good job! You're looking pretty good to start! By Christmas you'll be ripped! You Go Girl!!!

Heather Hutchinson said...

Kristen is being modest. She's killin' it at the gym!! I'm thoroughly impressed sister and you can let everyone know that the Pantera stuff you still have is NOT from 99. Those nasty spandex and stripped belly shirts were DI'd in 2000. HA! Keep kickin butt sister!

trevorandsarahtaylor said...

That's awesome! Working out will make you feel so good! Good luck!

Tammy K said...

good luck!