Friday, March 27, 2009


Whitney and Chris said...

That face is priceless!! I love it! His hair looks so long! It makes him look like a little man!

Heather Hutch said...

I LOVE WHEN YOU POST! He's adorable...and going to be a giant! LOVE YOU ALL! See you in a couple days!

Crystal said...

We painted our cabinets. They aren't perfect, but they sure beat the ugly oak they were before! We just primed them and then painted, but if we were to do it again we would sand them before priming. We were told by several people that we could skip the sanding, but I think they would have turned out much better if we did.

Ryan is such a cutie!! I can't believe you're so close to delivering #2. I hope you're feeling well. Those last few weeks can be brutal.

Spencer and Mindy said...

oh he's so cute!

McDuffie Family said...

He is getting so big! He is so cute! YOu are getting close to your new baby coming! I can't wait to see!

trevorandsarahtaylor said...

That's so funny! I totally thought that was a picture of you when you were little! Ha ha! He's so big!!

Darren + Janessa said...

oh my goodness! he is ADORABLE!!! he looks like allison! wow.. well i'm stoked for baby #2! it's around the corner.....