Wednesday, June 15, 2011


{February 17, 2011}
Riding bikes again.

Nap time

{February 16, 2011}
I put Ryder down for his nap, he was crying and refusing to take a nap, which isn't really like him.
He always goes right to sleep.
 I brought him and all his gear out to the chair,
he was asleep within 5 minutes.
So I took him back to bed.
(And yes, he is still a finger sucker.)

Playing in the hose

{February 15, 2011}
It was just warm enough for the boys to play in the hose.
Then they laid on the warm sidewalk to warm up.

Valentines 2011

{February 14, 2011}
The boys and I went and bought Dr. Pepper and balloons and we decorated the bottles with heart stickers.
We took one to Dad at school and one to Alli at work.
I also surprised the boys with some coins and coin books.
(I know it's weird).
The boys brought me home some flowers and candy too!


{February 13, 2011}
Tyler has been reading the boys this Elmo book.
Elmo is a puppet that sticks out of the book.
Tyler makes Elmo dance and sing "If you're happy and you know it" and the boys laugh SO hard.


{February 11, 2011}
I was doing the dishes and looked over the counter, 
this is how I found the boys watching tv.
So sweet.


{February 10, 2011}
Ryan found the Rooster costume in the drawer and told me that he had to wear it.
Really the only problem is that it's 3 sizes too small.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pay back

{February 6, 2011}
Ryder hit Ryan in the head with a toy and it left a huge bruise.

The Bike

{February 7, 2011}
Ryan only had to sleep through the night one more night so Tyler stayed up late and put together his bike.
It was kind of like Christmas Eve at our house.

 When he woke up he went straight over to finish his chart, while Dad brought out the bike to the front room.

To say that he was excited would be an understatement!

{now if he doesn't sleep all night his bike gets put out in the garage and he can't ride it again until he sleeps all night.

Sleeping Chart

{February 6, 2011}
Ryan has been working on his sleeping chart.
He gets a huge surprise if he sleeps 14 nights all the way through.


{February 5, 2011}
And sometimes they play together not so well...

Ryan bit Ryder for really no reason.

Brotherly Love

{February 5, 2011}
Sometimes the boys play together so well!
It melts my heart!


{February 4, 2011}
I have been making waffles a lot lately because the kids like it so much!

Playing with Kenny

{February 3, 2011}
Ryan's best friend is Kenny.
Ryder loves it when Kenny comes over too.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lego Blocks

{February 1, 2011}
We love playing blocks with Dad.
The boys were very excited that the tower was taller than them!


{February 1, 2011}
The boys wanted to throw ice cubes around in the back yard.
It's the closest we come to snow balls.
Socks work just as good as gloves :).


{February 1, 2011}

Ryan was king at preschool.
The letter of the week was "R"...
so we brought an "R" cake
runts::raisins::ritz crackers::rootbeer
and RED plates and spoons.
He was SO excited, he loves being king at school!


{January 29, 2011}
Go Cougars and Go Jimmer!

Playing ball

{January 29, 2011}
The boys play baseball in the house with a soft bat and ball all the time.
I thought it was so cute when they were trying to play with the mini bat and ball.
Needless to say that nobody ended up hitting the little ball.

Little Silver Baseball

{January 28, 2011}
Over Christmas Ryan lost his little baseball at Grandpa and Grandma O.'s.  He has been praying every night that we find it.
Grandpa was organizing some of his stuff and came across the same baseball on a Boston key chain. He mailed it to Ryan and he couldn't be more happy about it!


{January 27, 2011}
Ryder can climb up on the counter now.
I am NOT ready for this!

Chick-fil-A Cow

{January 27, 2011}
My boys LOVE the cow at Chick-fil-A.
They always run right up and give him a high five and a huge hug.
(I am not sure who this little girl is though).

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Playing with Taycee

{January 22, 2011}
The boys love to play with their girlfriend Taycee!

Giant Cupcake

{January 22, 2011}
Alli got a giant cupcake mold for Christmas.
She and Ryan wanted to try it out and make one.
Ryan had SO much fun with her!

Swimming Inside

{January 20, 2011}
It has been to cold to go swimming and the boys thought it was a great idea to go swimming in the bath tub.
That works for me:).

Fun with Friends

{January 20, 2011}
We met up with our friends at the mall.
Ryder was very skeptical of riding the Carousal.
We usually end up sitting on the bench together instead of him riding on the animals.
But today he stuck it out.
This is Adam and Emily, I didn't get a picture of 
Kayli and Carter, hopefully next time.
Thanks for meeting up with us.
We had a great time!

Despicable Me

{January 19, 2011}

Ryan's new movie is Despicable Me
which he calls "Despicable Meat" every time.
He loves it and always dances at the end.

Monday, June 6, 2011


{January 17, 2011}
The boys love to gather all the pillows around the house and jump off the couch. Hopefully they don't miss the pillows!


{January 17, 2011}
Ryder brought me the Barney costume and thought he needed it on.

Winter Weather

{January 17, 2011}
We love living in Phoenix in the winter.
We rode our bikes to the park and played until it was almost dark!

Bronco Ride

{January 17, 2011}
The boys love the Bronco just as much as their Dad!
They were SO excited to go for a ride!

Not Looking

Hiding from the camera...
drives me nuts!


January 14-17, 2011
Grandpa and Grandma O. and Amy came down for a visit.
I only took one picture while Amy was playing with the boys.
They LOVE Amy!

We also went to the Cemetery to see Tyler's Grandma Katie's grave.  
Ryan was super ornery all the way there.
While we were walking through I saw the headstone for 
Willis Jacob Choules and thought that name was very familiar.
When I got home I called my mom to see and sure enough it was my Great Grandpa Choules.  He died before I was born, so I never knew him and I didn't realize that he was buried in Mesa. I think his wife is buried in Sandy Utah.

We had a great time with Grandpa and Grandma O.
The boys were super sad to see them go.
Hopefully they come visit again soon!