Sunday, September 27, 2009


I love crafting!!!

I am looking for a quote to go on my wall above this picture craft that I just made...any ideas??
(Thank you Sara Hansen Frei for the cute idea, hope you don't mind that I copied you)
also I need to get some double stick tape to make my pictures hang straight from the ribbon

Grandma O!

Grandma O came to visit us last Wednesday through Saturday. We loved having her here! I am so mad at myself that I didn't take one picture of her and the boys. She does spoil us when she is here though. She got the boys matching pajamas. They are my favorite pj's of all time! My boys couldn't look any different! Of course I think they are so cute though. (What mother doesn't think her own kids are cute?) Ryan was sad to see Grandma go home... he was thrilled to pick her up and take her to the airport though!! I have the best mother-in-law ever! She is wonderful and I am thankful to have her as one as my best friends!

Cute Ryder eating his toes!
I got new shoes... I wore them for one hour...HUGE blister.

(since when did my feet age a 100 years?)

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Nate are you getting ready to punch me?????
When I was little we lived at Y Mount Terrace.
We would make frequent trips to the BYU Cougar in front of Lavell Edwards Staduim.
(Same cougar)
Nate graduated with a Master's Degree in Public Administration from the Marriott School of Management a few weeks ago.
We didn't make it to the Ceremony but we are really proud of him.
Good Job Uncle Nate!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Lil' Wayne our black fish passed away. We had to flush him this morning.
I told Ryan that He went to live with Heavenly Father and he said "Heather?".
We'll have to work on the plan of Salvation!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Ryan loves going to the airport to watch the planes come and go.
We drive to the top of the parking garage.
Then we sit in the back of the jeep and watch.
It makes his day!!!

(I really did dress Ryder but he pooped on the way there... and he ended up not being able to wear his shirt)

Tender Golden Sweet Potatoes!!

We started Ryder on Veggies...
He loves them!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

This little man is growing up way to fast! I am so in love with him!
He is just the sweetest thing ever. He is so even tempered!
I just love being his mom!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Our a/c went out Friday night. It wasn't too hot during the night but by about 10 am on Saturday it was 86 degrees. By the time we got the air fixed it was 92 degrees, and it took 4 hours with the air running non stop to cool it back down.
Thank you Chrissy so much for letting us come to your house all day!! We really would have cooked at our house!

Friday, September 11, 2009

My little helper!

Ryan decided that Ryder needed a diaper change...
Step one: get the diapers
Step two: unbutton the pj's
Step 3: Take off the Diaper
By this point I stopped taking pictures and stepped in...

August 21, 2009

I took Ryder to the doctor a few weeks ago for his 4 month well check visit.
He is healthy and growing...
And Super Cute!
(thanks aunt Brookey for the picture)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 8, 2009


I really can't believe that two and half years have come and gone.
Fun Facts about Ryan:
He loves little things. He carries around this mini basketball,
which he loses all the time.
I finally bought a pack of these...

now we don't spend all of our time looking for the little basketball.
He even sleeps with it and the very first thing he says when he wakes up is,
"where's my ball?"
He is obsessed with balls.
He speaks really well, he can say just about anything and is always
surprising us with his vocabulary.
He has to say every prayer and usually prays that we go to Grandma's house.
He is still a picky eater, he will only eat what he likes,
if you try to get him to eat
'one more bite', he won't.
He loves eating BBQ chips, pizza, mac n' cheese, oatmeal, hambergers, fries, ranch, chips and salsa, candy, popsicles, ice cream, apples, spaghetti, lasagna, water, and pop
(not really anything healthy).
He loves to watch movies about baseball...'The Sandlot' 'Angels in the Outfield'
'Rookie of the Year' & 'Word World Play Ball'.
He loves to play catch and baseball with Dad.
He is good at hitting the ball with his bat and can throw really well!
When Ryder is sleeping Ryan tries to sneak into his bedroom
and climb up in his crib.
He is going to nursery a lot better, and he can sit through Sacrament meeting.
He loves reading books.
He doesn't sleep through the night most nights...
he is spoiled and likes to sleep with someone.
If he gets enough sleep he is so polite, obedient, and kind...
when he gets tired, WATCH OUT,
He hits, throws things, and screams!
We are working on these tantrums!
We just love him to pieces! Our family would be so boring without him.

We love you Ryan!!


Ryan being fabulous!

Traveling with two kids can be challenging! 16 hours in the car is a very long time. Ryan has been good as gold ever since we put a TV in the Jeep (thank you Allan Monk). We don't know what we would do with out it. Ryder has been a little champ. He was very good on the way there and on the way home, he only got a little restless the last hour coming and going,
but I can't complain!
We were just outside of Flagstaff when I could smell him!
Since we were close I thought he can wait...

we stopped only to find poop everywhere!!!
(I had him sit in the bumbo while I took the car seat apart, then I put him on the pack and play mat while I cleaned him up)
There was poop all down his legs and feet...
then he played with his toes...
then it ended up on his cute little face...
and I am sure that he ate some because when we stopped
he was sucking on his fingers like he always does....
and I hope that he doesn't get sick!
After baths and soaking everything in oxi clean for a day...
both the kid and the car seat are good as new!
Sorry Ryder!

(i don't like blogging about poop but this was a bad one)

Labor Day Weekend
Alli and I took the kids and headed to St. George for Labor Day weekend.
Tyler stayed home to study:(.
We went to Sam's football game Friday night.
Whitney and Drake came to the game to play with us.
It was so great to see them. Baby Drake is so so Cute!!
Heather, Zander and Ben came from up north to watch Sam.

Eating snow cones and sleeping... That's a way to enjoy a hot summers night!
Heather is theeee best sister in the whole wide world!! (Cass is too)
Heather spent most of Saturday doing my hair.
Thank you so much sister! I love it! (pictures to maybe come later)
Ryan went to the lawnmower store with Grandpa O, and then it was
off to Grandma H.'s house for swimming and playing outside.

Ryan learned how to pee in the bushes!
BYU killed Oklahoma!!

Ryan went for a 4 wheeler ride,
apparently he was pretty tired and fell asleep on the way home.

Ryder is king of the bumbo!!

Ryan is king of the Refrigerator!!

(The many faces of Ryan)

We had a great time, ate great food, and were in GREAT company!
We love you all!
Thanks for a great weekend!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

August 31, 2009

Mad Ryan

Sometimes Ryan isn't very happy with his mom.
Sorry bud!

August 22, 2009 Cabelas

Boys will be Boys!
We told Ryan that we were going to Cabelas to see the animals.
He talked about seeing the "pig" all day long.
(how he remembered the pig from last time we were there 3 months ago, I'll never know)
Taking Ryan to Cabelas is like taking him to the Zoo.
It doesn't even matter that all the animals are dead!
He was so excited to see the warthog, and he was just as excited to ride on the escalator.
All 3 of my boys were in heaven!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


We have two new members of the family...
Odie the white fish and Little Wayne he is black!
Alli took Ryan to petsmart to get a pet... I can do fish. Maybe I could do a little dog, but for sure nothing else!!! I don't really love animals too much. Cats scare me, so do big dogs, and hamsters gross me out!! Ryan is very excited about these little fishies, hopefully they last longer than a few days. Then we could get them a real fish bowl and rocks :).
(actually I am surprised they made it through the night)