Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Deja Vu

Ryder & Ryan 3 months old!

I totally had a deja vu yesterday.  I put Ryder in his bumbo chair, he was sitting on the table wearing the same pj's that Ryan used to wear {all his clothes Ryan used to wear, sorry bud "hand me downs"} ha ha!  Anyway it totally took me back to my sweet little Ryan...


Heather Hutch said...

SO CUTE!! I love Ryder's little smile...he's getting so good at that!! Also the white coat ceremony looks amazing. That's so exciting for Ty! I love that you're having so much fun in Arizona, but I sure miss you! October can't come fast enough!!! LOVE YOU! ps...get on that passport thing would ya??

Spencer and Mindy said...

oh my word! that's crazy! both of your boys are so so cute!
*congrats Tyler on the White coat!! exciting!