Sunday, August 9, 2009


Our church is at 8 o'clock. It's a killer every Sunday having to wake Ryan up because he usually sleeps until 8 or 9. On our way to church today he saw his "HOOPS" shirt in the car (thank you Misti) and decided that he would rather wear his t-shirt instead of his sunday clothes. We didn't want him to throw a tantrum as we were walking into the building, so we told him that he could bring his shirt in if he put it in his bag. He was very good for most of the meeting... but it went extra long and he got a little restless. He found his shirt and insisted on putting it on, so this is how he went to nursery. Oh well, right?


SarahC said...

8 a.m.! You guys are dedicated. I thought 9 was bad. I think Ryan looks adorable in his tie/hoops shirt!

Jim said...

It's amazing what we will let our kids do to keep them quiet! haha