Thursday, January 14, 2010

ryder 9 months

he has his mouth open in most pictures:)

he smacks his lips, it is super cute!

this boy can finally move... a little...he army crawls.
he just started this week, he was super super slow at first
but he is getting faster!
he loves graham crackers & mac n cheese.
he will pretty much eat anything.
he is up to three meals a day of solid foods.
he has 4 teeth now.
the top two came in
one on 12-18
the other on 12-24.
he still doesn't love the bottle.
he loves taking baths with ryan.
he splashes like crazy!
they have screaming matches in the hurts my ears.
he doesn't sleep through the night!
what am i going to do?????
he is still mellow and wonderful.
he is so easy.
he always wakes up happy, even if he only gets a cat nap.
he knows his name and also answers to "brother".
(i guess that's his nick name)
he is pretty big for his age, he goes to the doctor tomorrow.
he loves anything that lights up.
we just can't get enough of him!!

love you brother!

well check stats
weight 19.7 25%
height 29.5 90%
head 44 cm 10.25%


Heather Hutch said...

miss that little buddy!! he's getting too big too fast!

Jim said...

I can't believe he is already 9 months! We need to get together more often so he can get used to us!

Your boys are adorable!