Tuesday, February 9, 2010

look who's sitting up in bed

i hate that i already had to lower the crib mattress this week.
it always makes me sad.
and i know that i had to lower it earlier with ryan.
ryder has been totally content with just watching the world go by.
this past week he has figured out how to go from laying to sitting.
he does it ALL the time now.
if i could only get him sleeping through the night.
two nights ago he did.
last night he was up ALL night.
just me and him watching baby einstein.
i am sure that i will miss these days.
but for now i really hope he starts sleeping!

please sleep better than last night!
(which shouldn't be too hard)


Cam and Mele said...

I agree it was a sad day, and now I have something new to scare me! Every little bonk I'm scared that she climbed over and fell out!!

The Whipples said...

Tell me about it. A few weeks ago we had to lower Addie's all the way down because she is standing now. I miss my little baby. Now she is a lean mean moving machine.

Heather Hutch said...

Sad day, he's getting so old, but he's absolutely adorable!!! We didn't think there could be a cuter baby than Ryan, he looks opposite, but just as cute. I love his little cheek bones :)