Sunday, February 21, 2010


i told tyler that i am way behind on blogging.
he said to me "you are about a week behind in everything".
well that's what happens when your kids have been sick for 12 days.
ryder got sick first with an upper respiratory infection.
the doctor said he could have symptoms for 7-10 days.
that was 12 days ago.
he is doing a lot better but he isn't 100 %.
ryder also has goopy eyes.
and now ryan does too.
ryan also has had fevers for three days now.
today was the worst and he even threw up tonight.
luckily he told me he was going to, so we made it to the bathroom.
tyler gave him a blessing tonight because he is pretty miserable.
as soon as tyler was done, ryan said "say the prayer again".
it was so tender.
i am thankful for Priesthood blessing and a worthy husband.
tyler has been sick this week too.
and with a test everyday and waking up 5 in the morning to study,
he moved out of our room and into the guest room.
i bought a fan (tyler said it wouldn't drown out the sound of the kids getting up at night, i told him it would, i was right)
hopefully we can get rid of this sickness!
i am sick of all my boys being sick!
and hopefully more blogging tomorrow.


SarahC said...

Your poor little family! It seems when one of your kids gets sick, the other follows right after. I'll say a little prayer for them to get better soon & that you will get some rest too! Good luck!

Whitney and Chris said...

Oh man... that is sooo sad! I am so sorry! Having sick kids is THE worst! Drake has a HORRIBLE ear infection right now and is pretty miserable too. It's so dang hard when they are so little and there really isn't much you can do for them. Love you guys! let's all get better this week!

Heather Hutch said...

BABE!! SO SORRY SISTER!! You've been in my prayers all week, but it looks miserable! Get everyone better so we can play in a couple weeks!! Remember to drink lots of grape juice...ha.

erica said...

oh sad. hope he gets feeling better soon!