Saturday, April 24, 2010

well check visit

pink band aids...
ryder ended up with a shot in each arm and one in the leg.
he was a champ though.
only cried for a few seconds.

he is 30.5 inches 75%
21.2 lbs  25%

he finally crawls the right way all the time.
he is starting to thin out because of this.
he waved goodnight for the first time on 3.8.10.
he yelled mom when he woke up from his nap 3.30.10.
he stood for the first time on 4.6,
we always cheer for him and then he raises his hands above his head and then he dives forward.
he is getting a little picky about what he eats.
he is sleeping through the night almost every night!
he loves to play with dad and ryan and always wants to get in on the wrestling.
ryan cries in the morning if ryder is still asleep.
he is pulling himself up on everything, and walking along the furniture.
i think he will be walking all over the place in the next month.
he is such a joy to have in our home!
we love him so so so much!!

1 comment:

Em J. said...

Loved all these pics and posts Kristen!! Missionary-reunion looked fun and your little carpet ride!! That was so HUGE!! Did you get a shot of your family sitting on top :)?!! I missed Ryder's birthday!!! Give him a tight hug and I'll send a little package soon!!! Gotta get ready for school but looked at your blog and loved it! Have a great day!!