Monday, June 14, 2010

more visitors!

[may 27-jun 1]

grandma, brookey, and amy came to visit.
we shopped, ate, shopped, ate (ryder and i got a little food poisoning)
we got better and then shopped some more.
thursday night they went to tylers cousins graduation.
we would have gone but with our kids we are better off staying home these days.
 friday & saturday we shopped at the mall and hung out.
sunday night we had a family get together with eveyone, and of course homemade cinnamon rolls (that were absolutely delicious, 
great job chrissy!)
monday we celebrated memorial day with a girls lunch & a family bbq.
we also celebrated grandma o's birthday.
(we surprised her with a cake...  i wonder who's good idea that was??)
you know how much ryan loves loves loves birthdays and blowing out candles.

i of course forgot to bring out my camera until the last day.

(yes our safe is in our front room, it doesn't fit through any of the bedroom doors)

amy was kind enough to sleep with ryan in his tent.
thank you amy!! 
(ryan has seriously been telling me that you were going to sleep with him in the tent for weeks before you came) 

1 comment:

B and B Slack said...

What a fun time we had! Miss you guys- wish you could have come up with Ty. Give the boys a hug!