Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ryder Says

We were a little worried that Ryder wasn't talking very much.
We fasted last February and we starting praying for Ryder to talk in our family prayers every night.
He slowly started saying words...
Here is the list of words that I kept to track his progress. hit.ry.beep
grape.i, bat.hugs.bus.cow.otter.water.happy.bronco

He said one of his first sentences back in April...
I want ice.

We went to Utah for six weeks this summer and he starting talking A LOT more.
I still have a hard time understanding everything he says.
But he is doing SO much better.
(He doesn't say the C, K, S, or T sounds at the beginning of the words.)

M: Go get a book.
Ryder: I hate books

Ryder was covering his eyes while watching a movie
M: What are you doing?
Ryder: I don't like this part

M: It's time to go to bed
Ryder: no way Jose

I have to be better at writing down the things he says because 
Ryder is SO funny, and he knows it!

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