Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Huggies (as Ryder would call them)

Olivia is such a good sport with these kiddos hugging on her every second they can.
I'm sure glad they like her though!


Was my official due date.
I am so glad that we didn't try to have her on this day.
Sorry about not having the coolest birthday, but I was glad to be out of the hospital when they got crazy busy!

November 10, 2011

Ryder loves his baby!

Also Liv had a doctors appointment today.
They wanted to check her jaundice levels.
She looked perfect.
Weight 6 lbs 14 oz 25%
Height 19.75 inches 50%
Head 35 cm 50%

First Bath

Even though we couldn't get her belly wet, she had to have a bath!
She'll like it more when we can put more water in the sink.
The boys are so helpful!  :)
They want to help and watch with every bath.


There is nothing quite like bringing a new baby home.
After months of preparation and anticipation,
the time is finally here.
And the boys were SO excited!!
(so was I)
She weighed 6 lbs 9 oz when we brought her home.

Welcome to the World

{Olivia Noble Owens}
7 lbs 1 oz
19.75 inches
12:16 p.m. 
(This picture was taken the night before.)

We had a scheduled induction for Monday November 7th. We had to be at the hospital at 3:00 a.m. Tyler's parents were here to help us with the boys, it was so nice to not worry about them!
Tyler and I woke up at 2:45 and headed over to the hospital. We got registered and by 4:00 they started me on pitocin. Tyler was able to sleep a little bit on the couch.  I wasn't in a ton of pain but uncomfortable enough that I couldn't sleep. By 8:00 I asked for the epidural.  I should've asked for it sooner!  Tyler had to go to school for a little bit.  Stacey and Tyler's aunt Chrissy came down to hang out with me.   The doctor came and broke my water.  I think I was dialated to a six.  Tyler came back around 10:30 and then left to grab something to eat. As soon as he walked out the door the nurse came and checked me again and I was at a nine.  So we called Tyler and told him hurry back.  He made it back and the nurse said I was ready so she called the doctor.  The doctor said she would be ten minutes... 45 minutes later she came.
 I pushed two times and Olivia was born! 
We ended up staying in the hospital for two days, so they could watch her bilirubin levels.  When the levels had come down into low range we were able to come home.
We are so blessed that she is part of our family.
Love you little one!

Tyler's mom, dad, Aunt Chrissy and Cousin Marlee were all there for the delivery.  My family was on the phone. 
(They couldn't come because Sam was leaving for his mission the next day.)
The boys could not wait to come see their baby!
Ryder saw the baby and then came to me and said "baby in your tummy?"  I told him no and he went running back over to Olivia.
I guess he kind of understood, maybe?

The boys had to check out her hands, feet, and hair.
  Ryan was excited that she has hair like him.

First picture of all {3} kids.
Not the best picture, but it must be documented!

We had so many visitors @ the hospital.  I wish I would have taken pictures of everyone!
Scott, Nat and Taycee Holm
(Taycee was so interested in Olivia, way more than my boys.  
She will be a great big sister)!
Farshad Rouhani 
Darren and Alyne Brower
Luke and Julia Allen
Chrissy and Marlee Hamberlin
and Stuart Frost

Time to go home!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ryan Says

"Relax, I'm going to sit by you."

M: Go.
R: I'm waiting till you say verde.
M: Verde!

M: Monsters aren't real.
R: Monsters aren't really scary.

"Brought Nikes, power Nikes, they make you jump high."

M: My eye is bugging me.
R: Why you got a bug in your eye?

M: What should we have for dinner tomorrow?
R: I don't know maybe poop.

M: You came in my room and I took you back to your room and you started crying and crying.
R: That's the weird thing I've ever heard 
(conversation about sleeping through the night)

"Mom, Here's the truth.  I'll sleep all night if I get aliens"
(the three little green ones from Toy Story)

"Secretariat is going down!  I guarantee it"

What does this say: "Dear Ryan, You are getting so big. 
 4 years old. Happy Birthday."

M: Ry, you need to stay in bed all night.
R: I'll try the best that I can.

Ryan's Prayer
"Please bless our baby will come out after Christmas, and it'll be cute."

"When's your turn President Monson"?

"Well, sometimes I listen"

D: How much do you like Dad on a scale of 1-10?
R: 100

"Oh, I am so tired, I stayed up so late watching that crazy movie"

Ryan was looking for his swim suit and yelled out from his room...
"Honey, where's my super suit"?
(from Mr. Incredibles)

M: We are done watching movies, we need to get dressed for the day.
R: How about shows?

Ryan was sleeping between Alli and Amy
"I am in a girl trap"

"Nothing like a cold drink"

"Ryder, don't talk like an old Grandpa"!

"I want my room to be nice and fancy"

Ryan gave Ryder some gum..."Try to not swallow it kid."
Ryder: "Ok"

"You're the worst toy maker in the world"
(I think he has been watching Elf to much)

M: Did you sleep good?
R: I got a full 40 min.

"Wally, I didn't even think about you, I only thought about suckers."

M: I hate hot dogs they always leak
Heather: Do you put them in ziplocs?
Ryan: No, we put them on buns.

R: Mom, you look kinda fat like that.
Dad: Do you know why mom looks big?
R: She has a big bum.