Monday, January 18, 2010


it rained off and on today.
i liked having an overcast day.
we don't see to many of them down here.

when the rain stopped we went in our back yard and played baseball.
ryder watched.
can you believe how big his hands are?
ryan is getting pretty good at hitting the ball!
we had to cut our game short because it started raining again.

(ryan got a hair cut last saturday the 9th)
it was the second and maybe last time i let tyler cut his hair
this is what happened last time tyler cut his hair.
he was 2 months old and tyler buzzed his head bald.
long story...
but he ended up looking like charlie brown.


Heather Hutch said...

:( First time since the charlie brown incident that I haven't cut his hair! SAD DAY! YOUR BOYS LOOK TOO TOO BIG!!! AHHH!!! The picture of Ryder needs to be BLOWN UP HUGE and framed! I want one. Your camera is amazing and can I say I just filled in my 2010 calander and wrote that Ryan will be 3!! I can't believe how big they're getting.

Whitney and Chris said...

Love these pictures! Ditto to what Heather said about the pic of Ryder. Adorable! Ty did a better job on the hair this time! I think it looks cute! Ry looks so grown up. I can't believe it!!

Tammy K said...

That first picture or Ryder - Wow - he looks like a big boy!!! you know what that means ...

time for number 3! hahaha!

The Owens Family said...

Such a cute family! Thanks for being such a good blogger... it helps us to not feel so far away! TAKE THE CLIPPERS AWAY FROM TYLER! I loved Ry's longer hair!

JeNee said...

Saving lots of money on hair cuts! Way to go Tyler! These pics are wonderful!!! I'm so happy about the camera! Keep shooting! Grandma's everywhere still thank you!!! Two cutest boys ever!!!

Aunt Tass said...

I love the rain pics... Ryan and his fohauk of his is sweet! and ryder your blould haired blue eyed is so dang cute I miss them A LOT! why can`t you sill live in ST.George! I love your blog kristen!