Tuesday, January 19, 2010


the other night i locked the doors and crawled into bed. tyler was studying.
we heard a huge crash.
we both jumped out of bed and went looking around the house.
which is pretty pointless because tyler is blind with out his glasses.
both of the kids were asleep, and nothing seemed out of place.
i told tyler that i thought maybe someone was in the back yard.
to keep me feeling safe, he put on his glasses, grabbed the gun and went out in the back yard...
there was nothing.
so we went to bed.
the next morning i kept looking for something that maybe fell in a closet or something.
later in the day i noticed that the can of biscuits had exploded in the fridge!
all that worry for nothing!!


Heather Hutch said...

hahahaha...I should stop checking your blog while in class, because I laugh out loud and it is embarrassing!

erica said...

haha. so funny!

Amber said...

OH MY GOSH! I would be sooo scared! I hate stuff like that! glad it was just biscuits!

Aunt Tass said...

next time check the frige before you get the GUN! hahaha LOL!