Sunday, March 14, 2010

11 months

i know i say this every month, but time is flying by way to fast.
in one month my littlest guy will be one!! 
i really can't even believe it!
i am in cancun this week...loving it, but missing my boys like crazy
(thanks mom for keeping them)

things i totally love and totally miss about my ryder boy.

he is so mellow and happy all the time
he still has blonde hair, it hasn't darkened at all
he pulls up on everything now but it still requires quite a bit of effort
he is still army crawling for his main mode of transportation
he starting sleeping a lot better
he is ryans best friend and they get along great
loves to be outside

he really is just a joy to be around.

miss you two like crazy!!
see you in six days.
love mom


Heather Hutch said...

I didn't know you were going to be able to blog?!?! You know I would've texted you about his 11 months... :) ENJOY your vaca, sleep, sunshine, husband, in-laws, etc. because your boys are in good hands AND YOU NEED TIME TO RELAX!! Get tan for me!! LOVE YOU!

Amber said...

wow, I can't believe your little one is already 11 months old! CRAZY- time flies when your havin fun I guess! =) Hope all is well, talk to you later!

Frei Family said...

In Cancun and STILL blogging!!! I am so jealous... of both things... bad blogger and cant dream of being in a swim suit right now!! I hope you come back super tan... and super refreshed! Cant believe your little man is almost one that is so crazy!!