Tuesday, March 30, 2010


::day 3::
we laid out on the beach and parasailed!
well i did (tyler did not), i am finding that i am pretty adventurous.
maybe i always have been but i am not scared of really anything. i might be ok with skydiving, maybe i shouldn't be though,
i am for sure not as coordinated as i used to be.
{not that i was really ever that good at dancing (still don't know why i did pantheras and laugh at myself now when i watch the videos)
but i least i felt like i could hold my own at a stomp.
ever since i had kids, i feel as though i dance more like my mother, bless her heart but she can not dance! having kids really does make you feel old and outdated}
back to me doing something crazy
which turned out to not be crazy at all.
 parasailing is very slow when you get up there.
and i should never admit this but i did moon everyone on the beach(i have never mooned anyone) but i'll spare you the picture that tyler took.
i hope mark and stacey don't hate me for posting these.
they were copying a couple who were having their pictures professionally taken on the beach.
they were rolling around making out in the sand.
not that it's weird to make out in the sand but who has their pictures taken?
the view of the ocean from the pool.


Jessica Wille said...

Looks awesome!! That is so cool that you parasailed. I've never done that but think it would be so fun. The beaches look gorgeous! And I for one am sooo glad you did Pantheras!

kat said...

your trip looks so fun. I would LOVE to go parasailing. Those make-out-on-the-beach pictures are hilarious.

ps. I'm going to have "chicas de hoy..do duh do..do duh do" stuck in my head all day now!

Kiley said...

Looks so fun! I want to go somewhere warm with a nice beach!